Thursday, October 6, 2011

Gym - 2

I don't know how many g's getting up at 5:20 a.m. in the morning induces... today it felt like 4g's .... :P ... I had to peel myself out of the bed and wonder how'd I boast about going to gym if I don't go at all ... :D ... Hence, the need to show-off pushed me to go and exercise. 

I also religiously drag my husband, who in turn everyday religiously complains 'It's too cold out', 'I have a headache coz of lack of sleep', 'What if I faint in the gym coz of sleep' and more such .... :D And like a true-blue wifey I do some yodeling, sing out of tune songs, threaten, nudge and sometimes simply literally drag one of his legs out of the bed to get him going. :D ( Utter and pure torture I know .... hehe)  - my pleasure! 

6th October 2011: Did cardio ... 5-6 min stepper warm-up, 15 minutes bike, 10 min treadmill, 15 min cross-trainer and another 10 min of rowing.

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