Friday, October 21, 2011

Gym 1.11

Oct 21st 2011: Today was Ben's Aerobic class for 1 hour... which I enjoyed.... I like aerobics, though people do tend to think its just a sequence of jumping and limpy steps... I beg to differ, you go through a whole flow of motions and it looks enjoyable and non-rustic and its rhythmic, all those twists and turns burn fat. 

As usual after class, came back home and did Yoga - breathing exercises and Sun Salutation. The good this does to me is more about feeling very calm and after a couple of months people tend to mention  - that my face is bright and glowing. It takes time though for that 'glow' to reoccur, as now I restarted Yoga after almost an year. 

Today it felt as though my body is a little more strong than say Jan this year, when I started Gym in SA, though don't know why my weight scale doesn't say anything pleasing and neither do I look thinner. :/ I want those cosmetic gains of exercising as well :(.... 

BUT, I shall keep on (I decided that long ago) bcoz even if I end up looking like Rambo forever, I'd still be strong and would be able to kick butt (If ever required... hope not) :D!! anyways... TGIF!

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