Friday, October 14, 2011

Gym 1.6

Just when I was about to go on a self-righteous drive of "O see how many times I go to gym" n stuff... BAM God gives me right on my bum... I am so miserable in this bloody onslaught of cold and cough ...and I have so self-righteously stuffed myself up with garlic, that I stink to high heavens ( while my poor hubby makes polite haste in getting over routine hugs n kisses...) eh... :D.... I  mean, I don't wanna be near myself right now.. poor guy! hehe

And I cough all the time like an old hag and my nose looks red and there is toilet paper all around the house ( I finished a Whole Big stack of decent face tissues) so I have moved on to finishing up toilet paper rolls to save up more stacks of face tissues... :P 

O well, ACCCCHHHHHOOOOOOO to u too .. humph! ( No bloody gym 13th and 14th Oct :'( booohoooo) ....

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