Thursday, January 5, 2012

Year 2012 and my Gym 1.22

Aah I wish everybody a very Happy and Prosperous 2012!! :)  ... New Years' is such a farce aye... the dating system is man-made.. the AC and BC is speculative and shoved down the throats of generations who are happily following things blindly - I don't mean to say that we are all wrong ... I just mean that there was no year '0' or '1' and nobody knows anything about it - just segregation of BC and AD . Some random day they started dating things ... 'back' and 'henceforth' kinds. So well... anywho - conventions being questioned is never a bad thing. But as a matter of keeping time and repetitiveness - I hope the forthcoming repetition of 12 measured months is fruitful, beneficial and sensible to one and all! :D

I have decided to keep things even more simple than they already are. And I have also decided to do more of things in my head than to follow anything ever instructed/expected/ forced/anticipated of me. Not that anybody is sitting on my head right now.... But sometimes society pushes everybody in the direction of mounting expectations. Well, I am simply going to turn a blind-eye to that specific part and be slightly more 'Outlier-ish' (umm ... might be off the chart kinds... coz I never was in-line to start with :P). 

So post this New Year rambling I shall narrate my (now seemingly repetitive) gym routine. :D Halleluiah! 

OK 31st Dec 2011 - 3rd Jan 2012: I yawned, gt happy for New Years', lazed, contemplated... but did no exercising. 

4th Jan 2012: Just when the start seemed bleak... I went for an evening session of cardio.
5th Jan 2012: Cardio again.. morning session .. mixed with some toning for the legs. Came back , did Yoga (breathing exercises + sun-salutation)... and say 10 min of meditation (even 2 min of meditation is sometimes pretty tough for fidgety people like me). 

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