Saturday, December 17, 2011

Gym 1.16

16th Dec 2011- Friday: Missed Gym... It was a public holiday - "Reconciliation Day" or some such and I tried my best at dragging Murali off the bloody bed - but it seemed he was stuck to it with his claws in and refused to part from it and called me a "Nag" ( umm.. not really :P, he grunted in a manner that said so) - hence, I decided to fume at this perceived non-existent name calling - and looked out for a solo jog. Hmm.. too much sun-shine and multiplying weird concocted stuff in my head and I got too hungry to think of exercising. :/ Day wasted really @I-can-be-incredibly-stupid-sometimes.
17th Dec 2011- Saturday: Yeay.. went and did Cardio ( yea.. yea.. a lazy hubby in tow)... Stepper, bike, tread-mill and cross-trainer. Peeked into a class of Pilates going on in an adjacent room and made a mental note of joining in sometime later. :D

Zero plans for Christmas - nothing concrete apart from a guilty wish to bake a rum cake and later watch an ice-skate dance or something so that we don't end up sulking at home. 

Zero plans for New Years ... and weirdly I am not complaining. :D

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