Monday, January 24, 2011

"Rogue Trader"

My latest read is "Rogue Trader" by Nick Leeson... I was a trader in India and every sickening feeling the protagonist feels in the novel is something i went through perhaps in a much smaller scale and proportion considering the range of mistake he made bringing down a bank and all!! Almost every trader makes mistakes, That's a fact - whether they accept or deny is immaterial.

I have a hell lot to write on my trading days ( not that my trading days are over or anything, but i am not employed full-time in the trading line anymore - thankfully?!! not sure)... you see the worst of people in that line... and very rarely, the best as well! It pays you really well, but all that money never ever compensates for the perpetual headache it causes!

Will write on that more sometime later...

Have a great day!!

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