Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A disappointing Birthday and the Egyptian uproar!!

Well sometimes you have a Birthday where you yawn through the day and wish you were doing something more interesting ... so was 31st Jan for me. It had an immense fizz-out effect - turning 28 :/ - oh what a mess , why couldn't i be stuck at 25 or something?! ... hmm... Anyways, nothing really cheered me and it was a 'just another day'.... 

I love the news bit going around on Egypt!! Its always awesome to see people of a country come together for a real  cause and prove that they cannot be taken for granted!! Whoever started it, the people's movement is damn neat! If they are successful, then nothing like it! ..... This makes me wonder, all Indians know that many officials are downright corrupt, why can't there be a mass protest on civil servants bribing normal citizens away to glory?!hmm?... perhaps most countries being corrupt (not only India) - people wanting to improve things in their own countries should perhaps look to do something like that ... Egypt is making an example!

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