Friday, January 21, 2011

New years' resolution right on track!!

It is immensely pleasurable if IF IFFFFFFFFF you can stick to a task you think is immensely tedious but see that you Still do it! :) I have about 15 Kgs to lose and lose fast , more importantly need to keep it down at that level long term. So managed to join the gym where my husband is a member already and make him, as well as self, stick to the absolute joy of going through the grind 1 hour daily 6-7 am . What a pleasure! - The very thought that we could get up at 5 am, leave for and come back from the gym on time, leave for work on time as well!!

We are both quite aware of the fact that we might not see results for months together, but someday we will if we keep at it!

The best thing about Virgin Active ( i.e. the gym i joined here in SA) is that you see other absolutely dedicated people, keepin' their nose down to the grind with full determination! This place also provides with aerobics, spinning, swimming pool etc. So, you are not stuck feeling bored doing just the normal routines, machines, tread mills and weights. Nothing like some variety and good company! 

To anybody who wishes to lose weight - Everyday workout IS absolutely worth it - for the present moment but more importantly -for long term!!

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