Here's a running series I tried maintaining on LinkedIn - the professional network, but I discovered that they delete the books' list and my comment remains but the name of the book disappears. Hence, I CHOOOOOOSE to blow my own trumpet here and list everything I have read :D... Its a nice list and I am proud of it!! :)
In random order:
- The Amulet of Samarkand (The Bartimaeus Trilogy, Book 1), by Jonathan Stroud- Madly in love with Bartimaeus a witty and powerful djinnie that takes you to ancient times along with his magician called Nathaniel and a very powerful commoner girl called Kitty and they spin a story which is fast paced and an absolute delight to somebody who loves reading adventure stories. It falls under the category of kids' stories but I disagree - anybody of any age will surely and thoroughly enjoy it! Bartimaeus claims to be a follower of Ptolemy and associates himself with greats like Archimedes .... and the way he puts it is nothing less than an absolute hoot!
- The Golem's Eye (The Bartimaeus Trilogy, Book 2), by Jonathan Stroud
- Ptolemy's Gate (The Bartimaeus Trilogy, Book 3), by Jonathan Stroud
- River God - A Novel of Ancient Egypt, by Wilbur Smith - There is a character called "Taita" - he is an eunuch who was castrated by the then Pharaoh. A story that takes you to ancient Egypt set along Thebes and Nile... Its mythical, its fantastic! Taita is a resourceful being, multifaceted , multi-talented and he is hardly ever fatigued. When I read it, I wished the novel would never finish... :)... If I am even a 100th part as efficient as Taita, my life would be truly awesome!
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