Friday, February 3, 2012

All that I'v read till date... :) - Part 1

Here's a running series I tried maintaining on LinkedIn - the professional network, but I discovered that they delete the books' list and my comment remains but the name of the book disappears. Hence, I CHOOOOOOSE to blow my own trumpet here and list everything I have read :D... Its a nice list and I am proud of it!! :)

In random order:
  1. The Amulet of Samarkand (The Bartimaeus Trilogy, Book 1), by Jonathan Stroud- Madly in love with Bartimaeus a witty and powerful djinnie that takes you to ancient times along with his magician called Nathaniel  and a very powerful commoner girl called Kitty and they spin a story which is fast paced and an absolute delight to somebody who loves reading adventure stories. It falls under the category of kids' stories but I disagree - anybody of any age will surely and thoroughly enjoy it! Bartimaeus claims to be a follower of Ptolemy and associates himself with greats like Archimedes .... and the way he puts it is nothing less than an absolute hoot! 
  2. The Golem's Eye (The Bartimaeus Trilogy, Book 2), by Jonathan Stroud
  3. Ptolemy's Gate (The Bartimaeus Trilogy, Book 3), by Jonathan Stroud
  4. River God - A Novel of Ancient Egypt, by Wilbur Smith - There is a character called "Taita" - he is an eunuch who was castrated by the then Pharaoh. A story that takes you to ancient Egypt set along Thebes and Nile... Its mythical, its fantastic! Taita is a resourceful being, multifaceted , multi-talented and he is hardly ever fatigued. When I read it, I wished the novel would never finish... :)... If I am even a 100th part as efficient as Taita, my life would be truly awesome! 

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