8.) Liar's Poker, by Michael Lewis - If you have any inclination towards Bonds and equity trading - its a Must- Read. I identified with it completely and re-read it numerous times... and felt sooo soooo much better with my trading career. Trading is a window into the worst side of people, coz money is directly involved and emotions raise and fall in a matter of minutes... As a trader - one moment you are the hero and your client loves you to smithereens ... and in split-seconds.. you will hear swear words that can be best described as being from the slums.. :D... its a bad, mad world and the book is a hilarious real life narration of the author's experience at Salomon Brothers.
9.) The Last lecture, by Randy Pausch - Hmm... its a sad story but an awesome teaching. The author was a teacher and was diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer and wrote the book as a memoir of himself and his thoughts, especially for his children ( so that they remember him well after he is gone) .... He lists instances of how he planned everything in life for it to happen... ways to get around BIG hurdles ... how to love people you care about - record and express it. Basically he takes you through step-by-step method of doing whatever the hell you want to accomplish in your life. Its a senti-read, no doubt! Good one though for anybody...
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