Monday, February 6, 2012

All that I'v read till date - Part 2

5.Fooled by Randomness: The hidden role of Chance in Life and in the Markets, by Nassim Nicholas Taleb - A very good read indeed, marginally technical in case you don't understand Probability and the markets in general. I liked reading it  - tells you how human mind is always looking for symmetry in all events and circumstances - we believe that history repeats in a certain way - which it perhaps does not. Events are random and so are our "chances" - Worth grabbing with both hands as and when you do get!

6. Zen and the art of Motocycle Maintenance - An Inquiry into Values, by Robert M. Pirsig - I cannot handle philosophy ... and this proved a tough read for me. Some of it made sense, but basically I wont be reading it again for sure. :) 

7. Illusions, by Richard Bach I AM MADLY IN LOVE WITH THIS BOOK, I keep it with me where ever I go.... 
Some lines stuck to me like super-glue, for example

"You define your own limitations".... 

Reading and re-reading it has helped me get over a lot of mental blocks, get over people, get over tough situations... with ease. Fill yourself with positive people, there should be no space for "can not" and "should not".

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