Monday, November 14, 2011

The incessant noises of India

And lo! we landed in New Delhi, the capital of India - full of sentiments on returning home.... only to quite abruptly starting to feel the jarring noises and traffic and people who forever seem to be jostling each other... sigh :/ ... instant reminder of why 'being abroad is not such a bad thing after all'. BUT then you see your folks, immensely overjoyed at seeing you return :) - and voices in your head vaporize temporarily.

When you drive in Delhi, there is a character transformation that takes place - you really really really get mad at people on road - at first, you might be one of those who says 'you first sir'; Give yourself say 3 hours doing that  - and perhaps you'd be changed for life! Chivalry and Delhi drivers DO NOT and I repeat Do Not go hand-in-hand. Nobody would return your courtesy and be considerate and let you take some of their space. That's just not how people here are wired up. I solely blame it on the brash, showy, 'me first' behavior of the mixed culture especially induced by the nuvo Punjabi's in the city. I don't mean all Punjabi's are like that, but most of them are very showy and blingy - and hence their attitude which reflects on everything. There is something very lecherous about the Delhi male - if you are a neutral observer, you'd feel they are not getting much action at home or have an insatiable sexual appetite perhaps. Whatever it is, its disgusting!! 

What I looovvveee about the city is also numerous. I love Gulmohar trees - most of my childhood is attached to it. It bears wonderful red flowers and they look awesome - and story bookish! I also miss the 'Adhan' by the muezzin in local mosques all around Delhi! - 4 times a day they do the service, screaming "Allah uh Akhbar" - the sound of which is imprinted indelibly in my subconscious memory. I cannot describe how lovely it sounds to me!

More on my stay in Delhi later.... I gotta rush right now...

- Later!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

:O Practicing Kanji's

Damn damn damn damn damn damn ... too much to do... damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Impending Jap exam :O - JLPT N4

O.K. time to keep the gym on the sidelines for approximately a month's time as I am off to my home country - India!!!! But this upcoming trip is a hectic affair - what with weddings in the family and my Japanese language exam all mixed into one biggg mess.

If you are a Japanese language student you would know how maddening it is to cram Kanji's and keep it there - in ones memory circuits! .... I think it's the ONE perfect thing to drive me completely crazy. I have journals after journals filled - file after file, diary after diary filled - with Kanji strokes; considering there is practically no other way of getting these registered in ones head. Any other way is a temporary memory - no kidding.

I agree my literal absorption of these Kanji scripts have gone up multi-fold as I literally spend 5-6 hours doing strokes - its mind numbing sometimes - but thankfully I do remember stuff now :)... familiarity perhaps.

I was to give JLPT N3 as my teacher felt I was good enough for it - but as it turns out my study portion could not be finished  - and semi-finished course is a recipe for disaster, in language examinations atleast! So instead of wasting money on going all the way to India and flunking JLPT N3, I decided to give JLPT N4 ( which I was earlier going to skip) - And really I don't deserve to skip levels  :D - Japanese ain't no waltz at all.... It's HARD work!

Another major annoyance for me is the complete lack of facility to give these JLPT examinations in South Africa. I mean, these exams are conducted in most of the countries - so why not SA? Sometimes I do feel that people in SA not interested in learning off-beat things. :/ ( maybe I am wrong... but I don't see many students of Japanese in Johannesburg and even less teachers or language school for Japanese, eh)!

If I do teach Japanese here sometime later, I hope I do find people interested in learning it. :)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Gym 1.15

1st Nov 2011: Attended Ben's stepper class, after a gap of 4 days of not going to gym ( which could not have had been helped as we tripped to Pietermaritzberg). So Stepper for 1 hour and a nice long walk back. No yoga as its been an immensely sleep deprived week-end dragging into the week.