Wednesday, February 9, 2011

yuuuuuuu2oooooooooooooo: U2 concert comin up :D

Ok i am a BIG biggg biggg pseudo rocker.. eh... rock music listener or whatever! I liked rock before i knew what i was Exactly listening to... everything was cool, hunky-dory in my head before i saw the sea of black-coloured clothing clad head-bangers with ring-on-their-fings and doing a sing-along with every song in which i could hear only the clang-clang of metals and things just became too jarring in my mind. 

Anywho... i soon realized i was not in the know-all category and hence stuck to shutting my mouth when people discussed rock.. :)... BUT i slightly disagree... i just don't wear so much black, don't know so many songs...but still like rock (not in any kind of overdose though... namely not more than 3-4 songs back-to-back at a time!) hehe.. 

So, here's this awesome U2 concert on 13th Feb 2011( my husband being a die-hard U2 fan who knows A to Z of em, and in reverse too!) ... and i am all happy n gleeful ( gleein' with all 32 intacts on display! :D :D) for it! NOW, my big issue/ home-work for it, ... hmm... i am trying to listen to all the songs to know the words for a sing-along and jumping i hope to do/sure to do :D :D :D...  lest i am stuck singin' 'yadayadayada' ( coz i am sure nobody would be able to hear me in the crowd anyways) ...woohoo.. anyways i am listening to the actual words and puttin in sm efforts ... i know i deserve a pat on the back ... ( @pats self! :D)...

Friday, February 4, 2011

Time to start praying to all sort of Japanese gods!!

Its that time of the year again!! With my JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) results around the corner, i need all kinds of good wishes and luck possible! I hope Jap gods, or Any god for that matter hears me out and i have a smooth sailing :)! 

Its always incredibly difficult for me to fathom what sort of result i would get; one feels incredibly confident after giving the exam.. then doubt starts creeping in .."Did i do that right?!... was my grammar OK?!" and that's when your opinion on your own performance starts going haywire and my emotions go jittery.

I will soon get to know though, 2nd week of Feb tentatively... will hope for the best- Amen!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Charity @orphanage, Midrand South Africa

Oh i forgot to mention! The Birthday wasn't a complete waste... My husband actually did donate a nice amount to an orphanage here on my request :)...the nice part was he did so quite lovingly and willingly, which was awesome! 

There is but a problem finding authentic places to donate in around here; more because we (at least I ) am new to this country and you take the truthfulness of purpose of such organizations at face value. My original idea was to share a cake with the kids in the orphanage.. but well, the caretakers/volunteers there were not much for it as they said most kids were less than an year and can't eat cakes... and the elder kids were more in need of adoption or something vague like that in answer, so that idea didn't work.We were basically encouraged to share the cake instead with the staff at the place, which was incredibly funny.. :)

So monetary donation it was! :) Hope they use it, instead of shoving it in their own pockets  - one cannot be really sure i guess!

A disappointing Birthday and the Egyptian uproar!!

Well sometimes you have a Birthday where you yawn through the day and wish you were doing something more interesting ... so was 31st Jan for me. It had an immense fizz-out effect - turning 28 :/ - oh what a mess , why couldn't i be stuck at 25 or something?! ... hmm... Anyways, nothing really cheered me and it was a 'just another day'.... 

I love the news bit going around on Egypt!! Its always awesome to see people of a country come together for a real  cause and prove that they cannot be taken for granted!! Whoever started it, the people's movement is damn neat! If they are successful, then nothing like it! ..... This makes me wonder, all Indians know that many officials are downright corrupt, why can't there be a mass protest on civil servants bribing normal citizens away to glory?!hmm?... perhaps most countries being corrupt (not only India) - people wanting to improve things in their own countries should perhaps look to do something like that ... Egypt is making an example!