Thursday, March 24, 2011

"Going Dutch in Beijing" by Mark McCrum

My latest read is this non-fiction by Mark McCrum ( an author whom i haven't read much about - but thats hardly a criteria considering i don't stick to specific authors often enough...) called "Going Dutch in Beijing", which is an information overload on cultures across the world  -The faux pas one should avoid and basic essentials to know about people from various countries. Considering its one of my first reads on a global-travel non-fiction series, i don't know how to compare it with some other author or some other novel. But i immensely enjoyed reading this!

Well, but if you have any interests in traveling around the world or if perhaps your work takes you to places, i recommend reading at least a few books on various cultural practices; goes without saying it will help you bridge borders and more importantly get business deals! 

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