Saturday, December 11, 2010

Some of my favourite winter things...

New Delhi, my birth place and home has always had awesome winters ( except years when it wasn't as cold as one would expect or want it to be, 'coz of the global warming and what not).... but well it's ideally a lovely set up to have steaming hot mugs of coffee and tea, nicely tucked up in a quilt or swathed with layers of woolen wear and munch on home made pakodas or aalo ka parathas... not to forget Gajar ka halwa... yummmmmm!! Always, just Always gets my mouth watering!

One other thing that i love about winters at home is the smell of old, well preserved pages of novels - reading on 'em by a window on a relaxed wintery afternoon and bathing in sunshine that streams in!... dreamy aye .. absolutely dreamy!!!!!!!!!!!

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